Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather

Born pre-pandemic out of a series of live networking events at Pinks NYC, Birds of a Feather is now a virtual global networking community for business professionals who just cannot get enough Phish. We talk business, we talk Phish, and we just have an all-around great time. Meeting once a quarter or more on LinkedIn live. We also have a LinkedIn and Facebook group for members to connect and network in between events (and shows of course)! We invite you to join us!

Join us on LINKEDIN.

Join us on FACEBOOK.

PHISH Birds of a Feather

For those who don’t know, I read a lot of business books. I think about business – a lot. I am going to be using this platform to share some of my thoughts about what I am learning and pondering.

RCS Jeffrey Tebele, was interviewed by PJ Ewing the host of Lester the Nightfly on WPVM. Read the full interview below:

You occasionally hear whispers in back alleys. I heard there’s a clandestine Phish Primer exchange through telephone operators across the nation from 2-3 a.m (EDT!). Does that mail carrier have a funny look in his eye? What are those nail salon ladies hinting at under their breath? Wait, what did that kid just say? !!